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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S SELF-DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM CORPORATE ACADEMY Tuned in digital transformation, the self-improvement platform within Empower enables collaborators to set their Underscoring its commitment to be a com- learning goals in line with their career planning. It relies on an pany recognized by Ethics & Compliance, arti昀椀cial intelligence system that chooses and recommends since 2017 Embraer has been applying the content for each individual, pursuant to their skills and areas online training in its Code of Ethics for all of interest. collaborators. The content is available glo- bally and is part of the mandatory training track for all new collaborators. In this same track, collaborators also com- LEADER‘S ACADEMY plete the following courses: Occupational Safety, Business Planning, Performance It covers the entire leadership lifecycle, from onboarding to Assessment, Data Protection, Coronavirus training and long-term development efforts targeted at the Prevention, and Corporate Intellectual Pro- implementation of corporate strategy. In 2022, the company perty Policy, which amount to circa 6,000 maintained the pillars of leadership development (Culture, hours of participation in 2022. Business, People Cycle, Future of Work, and Diversity), offering programs focused on Hybrid Management, Cultural Evolution, Lean Leadership, Performance, and Potential, Labor Relations, among other relevant topics. Overall, there were 13,828 participations, totaling about 30,000 hours of development for the Embraer leadership. 100100

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