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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S ENGINEERING ACADEMY As a means to strengthen the aeronau- As for the Product Development pillar in tical culture, the training of engineers, 2022, there was an evolution of educa- technicians, and engineering professio- tional methodologies and several tracks nals, establish a systemic vision of pro- were designed on the EmPower self-de- ducts, and foster collaborator careers’ velopment platform, in virtual format, improvement, Embraer offers develop- following the trends of digital transfor- ment solutions aligned with the busi- mation and making available to partici- ness strategy. In 2022, the engineering pants the resource of arti昀椀cial intelligen- academy restructured its curriculum, ce for real time knowledge assessment. having as contributors several profes- The technical career tracks containing sionals and specialist areas, and setting 15 macro topics were also created and 3 guiding pillars of education, namely: unfolded in more than 40 educational Soft Skill, Management and Business, routes, planned to occur in 2023 through and Product Development. synchronous classes and asynchronous Regarding the Soft Skill pillar, still in content availability. 2022, 27 classes were planned for the year 2023. For Management & Business, more than 15 relevant topics were ma- pped, in the realms of operational ma- nagement, 昀椀nance, and business strate- gic vision, which will be provided during the year in a gradual way, in a format of live streaming sessions to collaborators. 101

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 101 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 100 Page 102