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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S 3.3.2. ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE MECHANISMS FOR SEEKING ADVICE AND RAISING CONCERNS OPERATIONS (GRI 2-26) ASSESSED FOR RISKS RELATED TO CORRUPTION Embraer’s Compliance Department has an in- and easily accessible through the company’s (GRI 205-1) dependent structure and direct reporting to intranet and establish the main guidelines to the Audit, Risk and Ethics Committee, as well be met. During periodic assessments conduc- as a reporting channel structured and available Any concerns regarding Embraer’s business ted by the Compliance Department, 24/7, in the languages of the countries where conduct can be brought to the Compliance risks, when identi昀椀ed, are properly the company operates, allowing any individu- area itself or through the widely disclosed and addressed. When applicable, such als (collaborators or not) to bring questions or available whistleblowing channel — Helpline, risks are shared with the competent concerns. as mentioned above. The channel ensures authorities for discussion and imple- Moreover, the governance of the area was anonymity and con昀椀dentiality, as well as non- mentation of mitigation measures, structured in order to create the roles of Com- -retaliation to whistleblowers in good faith. which are continuously monitored. pliance ambassadors and agents in several The total number and percentage of areas of Embraer, so that support can also be operations assessed are internal in- given by collaborators in these areas, who are formation and, for this reason, will not periodically trained on Compliance techniques. Learn more: be disclosed in this report. In addition, the Code of Ethics and Conduct Helpline and other policies pertaining to it are freely 132

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 132 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 131 Page 133