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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESESGG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS TRAINING CARRIED OUT IN 2022 The following trainings were provided by the Compliance area during the 2022 THINK AND RETHINK accounting year: New edition of the Compliance communication Compliance Processes – (refresher): (Hos- • Ethics & Compliance Management Pro- campaign for 100% of collaborators. In 2022, the • main topic revolved around raising awareness on the pitality, Gifts, Events, Due Diligence, Know gram: A Story use of the whistleblowing channel – the Helpline – en- Your Customer, Risk Assessment, Monito- Target audience: the entire leadership of ring, Red Flag & Blocklist, Donations, Spon- Embraer S.A; couraging collaborators to identify the situations in sorship, Helpline, Membership) – Taught to which the use of the channel is recommended. Compliance Of昀椀cers and also Agents, Am- • Bribery and Corruption: A Story About Glo- bassadors, and Requesters, as applicable; bal Bribery • OFAC (Of昀椀ce of Foreign Assets Con- Target audience: the entire leadership of trol) Training – For Compliance Of昀椀cers, Embraer S.A; COMPLIANCE DAY Agents, and Ambassadors; • Con昀氀icts of Interest – Managing and resol- Held on the week of the international anti-corruption • Anti-Corruption Compliance Training – ving con昀氀icts of interest involving gifts and day, December 9, for 100% of collaborators, the event Taught by the law 昀椀rm Maeda Ayres & Saru- gratuities in business was attended by members of Embraer’s Board of bbi to the Compliance team of Embraer S.A. Target audience: the entire leadership of Directors and Executive Board, as well as external and group companies, in addition to the Hel- Embraer S.A; guests, experts in FCPA*, and the Brazilian Anti- pline investigation team; • Compliance Training for the Board of Di- Corruption Law. • Bribery and Corruption: Doing Business in rectors and Executive Board’s members High-Risk Countries –taught by a lawyer specialized in FCPA. The lectures and roundtables highlighted the challen- Target audience: the entire leadership of ges, trends, and future of Compliance both in the ae- Embraer S.A; rospace industry and in other sectors of the economy and facilitated the interaction among collaborators and speakers. * Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - The United States Corrupt Practices Act, which is considered the pioneering anti-corruption law abroad and came into force in 1977. 34

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 34 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 33 Page 35