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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESESGG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE GRI 3-3; RT-AE-510 COMPLIANCE PROGRAM PILLARS Embraer’s Compliance Program initiatives are based on risk assess- ments, which serve as a starting point for strategic planning applied to • Corporate Governance • Monitoring and assessment the program’s pillars. The purpose of strategic compliance planning is to • Risk Management of compliance risks ensure that all initiatives are aligned and incorporated into the company’s • Compliance in relationships with operations, according to the risk assessment carried out. • Policies and Procedures Third Parties • Training and Communication • Audit and Continuous Improvement • Helpline COMPLIANCE PROGRAM GOALS To foster a culture of ethics and integrity ba- KAIZEN & OFFICE FLOOR MANAGEMENT sed on Embraer’s Values and Code of Ethics 1and Conduct, as well as the anti-corruption The Kaizen philosophy – which means continuous improvement in laws applicable to the company. Japanese – is already adopted by Embraer in its production processes, and is now also part of its Compliance Program. This is the 昀椀rst administrative area of the company to work on a pilot project called To support Embraer’s other Compliance Of昀椀ce Floor Kaizen, which was conducted in three of its departments in preventing main processes: Due Diligence, Know Your Customer, and Hospitality. 2risks, spotting red flags, and improving processes. FLY RIGHT New tool, which had its initial implementation in 2022, and will have the other implementation phases carried out in 2023, and centrali- zes the Compliance processes in a single platform, optimizing the approval 昀氀ows, activity management, monitoring and addressing of risks in the company. 3333

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