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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESESGG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS OPERATIONAL SAFETY AND PRODUCT QUALITY IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SAFETY OGMA SAFETY SUMMIT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) The OGMA Safety Summit – Conference on Safety Mana- In 2022, Embraer actively participated in the gement System – gathered in Alverca, Portugal, four ex- review and development of the SM-0001 stan- perts from the areas of Safety and Quality to address topi- dard, focused on operational safety, contribu- cs of Operational Safety. Among professionals, specialists ting to the implementation of SMS* for the en- and the OGMA team, the event had about one hundred tire aeronautical industry around the globe. In participants, from twenty-seven entities of the aeronau- the company, SMS was 昀椀rstly implemented in tical community. all its U.S. maintenance units, and the imple- mentation of SMS for OGMA** maintenance units in Portugal was 昀椀nalized. As a result, all II OPERATIONAL SAFETY the company’s European maintenance units AND QUALITY WEEK 2022 are already able to meet the new regulations of EASA – The European Aviation Safety Agency, For the second year in a row, Embraer which will be mandatory by the end of 2024. joined the themes of Operational Safety In Brazil, the company joined forces with and Quality in a single week dedicated ANAC – National Civil Aviation Agency to devi- to discussing with external experts, the se the Brazilian operational safety regulations senior leadership of the company and for the aeronautical industry. collaborators, success cases, challenges, and trends for these two capital topics for * SMS is a global, systematic, and standardized approach the aeronautical industry. The event was to managing operational safety risks for the aeronautical online and open to 100% of collaborators, industry. and all content is available for reference **Aeronautical Industry of Portugal on the intranet, further af昀椀rming the company’s culture of safety and quality. 3535

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 35 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 34 Page 36