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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESESGG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS GATEWAYS, INTERNSHIPS, AND YOUNG APPRENTICES GRI 404; 405; 3-3 WORKING MODELS In 2022, Embraer’s Internship Program 昀椀lled 昀椀ve Overall, forty collaborators attended Data Scien- hundred vacancies in two cycles and is expected ces subjects, and 昀椀fty-one collaborators took the to 昀椀ll another three hundred vacancies in the 昀椀rst subjects on Embedded Software. In December ON-SITE: Five days in person half of 2023, with a new cycle of applications 2022, the class was concluded with the approval (productive areas and production for candidates from all over Brazil. In addition, of the thirty-昀椀ve professionals, thirty-three of support) the Summer Internship was also launched, with whom were hired by Embraer. thirty vacancies and a duration of two and a half Embraer’s goal is to draw the new generation of months with opportunities in several areas, and in aviation talent and provide candidates with great HYBRID: On-site + Remote face-to-face, hybrid, or 100% remote work models. convenience and experiences, in a diverse and (up to two days in person) Embraer, in concert with Senai (National Service inclusive environment, so that each professional for Industrial Training) for young apprentices, becomes the main player in their own development opened new classes in 2022, with about two and career. 100% REMOTE: Five days remote hundred participants in the São Paulo cities of Gavião Peixoto, Botucatu, and São José dos Campos. It also maintained the partnership for Based on these three models, the FORMARE, a professional quali昀椀cation program company tested and validated the aimed at young people in situations of economic foundations of Future of Work, such as and social vulnerability, earmarked for logistics updating employment agreements, how students in the city of Gavião Peixoto. to offer infrastructure services such Also in 2022, the 昀椀rst class of the Software as food and transportation, as well as Specialization Program – PES was formed. Held issues of home-of昀椀ce allowance and in partnership with UFPE (Federal University of assistance during the pandemic. Pernambuco), this is a Non-Degree Graduation Program in Embedded Software and Data Science, with subjects taught by professors from UFPE and with the participation of Embraer professionals. 23

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