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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESESGG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS TALENTS Inspired by all the learning gathered over the critical period of the Covid-19 pandemic, 2022 saw the implementation of new work models, focusing on the hybrid model, in which part of the professionals work in person and part remotely. The company realized the need to support its leaders and collaborator, so that this adaptation was ef昀椀cient, changing new behaviors into new habits. THE FUTURE OF WORK TALENT ATTRACTION AND RETENTION GRI 401-1 In 2022, the company created a global project entitled “Future of For Embraer, attracting and retaining the best talent are primary Work,” managed based on an Agile methodology (based on the goals. In 2022, Embraer had more than two thousand and seven Scrum framework) with weekly sprints, and engaging more than hundred vacancies 昀椀lled. The company carried out an active sear- 50 collaborators, who represented Embraer’s major areas. ch for the best candidates, especially on the LinkedIn platform, in Diagnostics and adjustments were made in different processes addition to being present at fairs and career events at institutions to improve the experience of collaborators, who were working such as ITA (Technological Institute of Aeronautics), POLI USP 100% remotely or hybrid, in addition to guiding their leaders in (Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo), UFMG (Fede- the management of teams and supporting the business needs in ral University of Minas Gerais), and other relevant universities in the face of changes in the current corporate world. Brazil, thus advancing the selection process with interviews and simultaneous hiring. This selection process model, called selec- The concept of asynchronous communication (non-simultaneous tion sprints, resulted in swift hiring for various positions in pro- communication) has been implemented as a capital point of duction and production support areas. mindset change within the company, being essential for hybrid Alongside the personnel of Talent Acquisition, Information Tech- work, fostering transparency, and avoiding excessive meetings nology, Medical Team, and Payroll and with the support of an ex- and interruptions. ternal partner, the company mapped the journey of the new Em- The project made the company review new work scenarios that, braer collaborator, in order to assess the possibilities of improving connected to the business vision, the pillars of culture and the the hiring process. With this initiative, newly hired collaborators expectations of collaborators, allowed to build an adaptive and and leaders were interviewed with the purpose of better unders- bold work model. tanding customer experience, using Design Thinking techniques for interview and user journey. 22

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