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ABOUT BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER UNIT INDICATORS FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ASSESSMENT OF NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SELECTION IMPACTS ON THE SUPPLY CHAIN OF NEW (GRI 308-2) SUPPLIERS (GRI 308-1 and 414-1) All contracts for supply, services, and industrializa- MATERIAL RESTRICTIONS BY tion of products have socio-environmental require- ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS 100% of the new suppliers ments, which those involved should comply with and were selected based on key implement. The mandatory submission documents As regards the use of materials that contain substan- criteria and committed to and noti昀椀cations to Embraer is stipulated in the con- ces restricted by environmental regulations, Embra- comply with the clauses tracts between the parties, being accepted by the er has a dedicated management staff, DIPAS - Inte- described in the annex “So- suppliers. grated Development of Environmentally Sustainable cio-Environmental Specifi- The supplier, through its supply chain, is expected Product. The staff works to follow up the evolution cation,” which is an integral to comply with applicable environmental laws, such of environmental laws, collect information on res- part of the supply agreement, as the European REACH* regulation, CEPA**, TSCA**, tricted substances present in articles throughout and establishes that new su- and other relevant guidelines that may affect Embra- the supply chain, identify use in products and ma- ppliers should meet the en- er products. It should also ensure compliance with nufacturing processes; additionally, it also directs vironmental, occupational applicable environmental laws, including those of the applications identi昀椀ed to Product Engineering safety, and social respon- subcontractors. Through the applicable regulations, for analysis and execution of the mitigation plan and sibility legal requirements we carry out assessments, based on internal criteria, management of the alternative development plan, so applicable to their industry, which demonstrate if there are negative impacts to that products and processes do not pose occupatio- including obtaining licenses be avoided and/or 昀椀xed. nal or environmental risks throughout their life cycle. and certificates, if applicab- The sustainability of products is thus guaranteed to le in their legislation. customers in different countries, as well as the occu- * Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. pational and environmental integrity in all phases of ** Canadian Environmental Protection Act operation, maintenance, and end of life of aircrafts. *** Toxic Substances Control Act. 120

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 120 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 119 Page 121