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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S ASSESSMENT OF NEGATIVE SOCIAL IMPACTS ON THE SUPPLY CHAIN SUPPLIERS WHERE THE RIGHT (GRI 414-2) TO FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND COLLECTIVE BARGAINING The quality and safety of Embraer pro- the origin of the minerals contained in MAY BE AT RISK ducts are capital to the business. The the products supplied by them and their (GRI 407-1) company undertakes to deliver products subcontractors to Embraer, under the that meet or exceed applicable gover- terms of the applicable American law The agreement with our suppliers contains clauses nmental, industry standards, ensuring (Dodd-Frank Law). that determine that they should comply with the legal safety and quality to the end customer. The company continuously works to obligations and principles of the Global Compact to With this in mind, Embraer strives to en- quell the social impacts of its activities, which Embraer is a signatory, ensuring that the right sure that our supply chain is committed so one of the initiatives was to become to freedom of association and collective bargaining and aligned with social and environ- an integral part of several global Con昀氀ict is ful昀椀lled. mental issues. Minerals programs, such as: Aerospace Suppliers are continuously monitored during the Embraer requires the supplier to adhere Industries Association (“AIA”), Interna- term of contract and a social assessment is revali- to the company’s social standards, not tional Aerospace Environmental Group dated every two years. The Helpline is another tool to engage and not allow others to engage (“IAEG”). and the Responsible Business ensure these rights, ensuring that any possible viola- child or compulsory labor, nor adopt or Alliance - Responsible Minerals Initiati- tion can be reported by anyone. allow others to adopt unacceptable la- ve (“RBA-RMI”). bor practices. Every year the company conducts due As part of the social impact manage- diligence in its supply chain to ascertain Learn more: ment process, the company has esta- if any of its products come from con昀氀ict Suppliers’ Requirements blished in contracts the Con昀氀ict Mi- zones. Additional information is availab- Ethics & Compliance nerals clause whereby suppliers report le in the 20-F report. 121

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 121 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 120 Page 122