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ABOUT BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER UNIT INDICATORS FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Business Partners are expected to apply Embraer has a Global Supplier Manage- the best practices for preserving the envi- ment Procedure from the product develo- ronment, as well as health and safety. Fur- pment phase, serial production, to after- thermore, they are subject to the process -sales, following the Compliance standards of reputational check (due diligence) befo- and Embraer Business Excellence criteria, re entering into any formal commitment, or providing continuous improvement and un- starting any commercial transaction. For dertaking activities in an ethical, environ- Business Partners identi昀椀ed as critical, Em- mentally sustainable, safe, and health-pro- braer performs risk monitoring through risk moting manner. assessment tools. The Supplier Management area is respon- Applicable laws regarding import and export sible for managing and ensuring the good control (especially ITAR* and EAR*, accor- performance of suppliers in ful昀椀lling the dingly) of goods, services, and industriali- agreed contractual conditions, in addition zation should be meet and complied with to cost management. To support this pro- in keeping with the procedures and policies cess, the area monitors the metrics that de- established by the company. monstrate the supplier’s adherence to the It is forbidden to procure goods, services, conditions agreed, as well as the spotting and industrialization that is not carried out of the need to create an action plan with by the Supply areas and delegated areas, non-adherent suppliers. and in accordance with the Global Procure- *International Traf昀椀c in Arms Regulations. ment Policy, as well as to ensure a fair and **Export Administration Regulations. transparent process in competition proce- dures, guaranteeing the equality of treat- ment for all participating companies. 119

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 119 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 118 Page 120