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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S PEE – ENGINEERING SPECIALIZATION PCEM – MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING PROGRAM TRAINING PROGRAM In the context of training and development, in 2022 This program was designed with the aim of diagnosing there was an investment of approximately BRL 5 and developing current and future skills required by the million in this major training initiative. PEE, carried business in order to further knowledge management and out in partnership with the Technological Institute the necessary readiness of people for the advances of of Aeronautics (ITA), offers the Professional Master’s manufacturing engineering by 2025. Degree in Aeronautical Engineering to selected Launched in August 2022, it has engaged more than participants who are interested in working in the 70 professionals, and achieved 500 hours in program aviation segment. Classes are taught by professionals structuring, in addition to 2,000 hours invested in the of Embraer and professors of ITA, and students have preparation of contents and tracks. During 2022, 50 the chance to be admitted by Embraer after the courses were held, 34 classes with 887 participants, program is completed. In 2022, 61 engineers attended including engineers, analysts, and technicians. The the program. Between July and August 2022, 22 classes developed soft and hard skills through internal engineers were hired by Embraer. facilitators and consulting from the market. PCEM is based on two phases, the 昀椀rst being a general alignment of concepts and the second focusing on the PES – SOFTWARE SPECIALIZATION PROGRAM future of manufacturing and engaged professionals, where topics of industry 4.0 are addressed, with a view In 2022, an investment of approximately BRL 1.4 to developing the necessary skills for the evolution of million was made in this training initiative, with a view processes and practices and mindset in the face of digital to meeting the new demands and opportunities of the transformation. Another front of PCEM is the technical current global scenario. The 2022 outcomes were hi- tracks, which are being built by dedicated experts and will ghlighted on page 23 of the 2022 Annual Report. be made available gradually in 2023. 104

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