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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S ACE – ENGINEERING ACCELERATION PROGRAM LANGUAGE ACADEMY The Engineering Acceleration Program (ACE) released its Embraer has expanded the development po- 昀椀rst class with 35 collaborators graduated in 2022. ACE is licy in the language area, doubling down on targeted at training collaborators having up to 12 months the business focus, with more robust, con- in the company and new hires in 34 courses broken down centrated, and effective ways to accelerate into the Pillars of Culture, Aeronautics & Business, MAnnual the language learning of our collaborators, of Excellence in Engineering and DIP, Technical Concepts, with the purpose of meeting the company’s Procedures and Tools, Engineering and Soft Skills, and 100% challenges globally, investing in retention of the training is administered by Embraer’s specialized and bene昀椀tting from the resulting improved facilitators over a 12-day period. students’ performance. In 2022, Embraer started a new partnership with the company Lingopass, providing a digital study model, which addresses more DIVERSITY ROUTE strongly the need for protagonism and en- gagement of student, continuing to meet Held in partnership with Senai of São José dos Campos the company’s needs with a good level of and Araraquara, the program focuses on training people customization and great 昀氀exibility. With all with disabilities for the labor market, offering theoretical the changes and the need to ensure grea- training and practical training in the company. The allocation ter robustness, the program evolved into the is performed according to the pro昀椀le of the vacancies. The Languages Academy, with the entry of 181 program has contributed to increasing the employability new students in the second half of 2022, of people with disabilities, since 2019 about 100 people closing the year with a total of 352 students have been trained and some continue to pursue careers in and with a great prospect of increasing this various areas of the company, such as Production, Quality, number in 2023. Engineering, Logistics, and Administrative. 105

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