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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S KNOWLEDGE PARTNER EDUCATION INCENTIVE PROGRAM YOUNG APPRENTICE Owing to the unremitting search It aims to further the recognition and development of One of the practical initiatives for the cons- for knowledge, innovation, and collaborators, through subsidies for Graduate, MBA, tant improvement and responsible insertion technology, the company refor- Master’s, PhD and Postdoctoral Programs, taking the of adolescents in the world of work is the mulated the Knowledge Partner organization’s strategy and business needs into account. Young Apprentice Program. In such program’s Program in which the training of Applicable to all collaborators with an inde昀椀nite scope, young people are helped through le- instructors began to be conducted employment contract in all Embraer units. arning to develop habits necessary for entry by Embraer professionals, mitiga- and permanence in the labor market. The ef- ting the need for suppliers, which forts developed with them are targeted at en- brought greater quality associated couraging the development of their autonomy, with a lower cost. EMBRAER INTERNSHIP allowing the search for improving the quality In 2022, the Virtual Facilitation of life, decision-making, building healthy af- Training was created with a view The program was structured targeted at a better experience fective relationships, recognizing themselves to accelerating the online develo- for trainees during their journey at Embraer, aiming at the as active players and participants within their pment of new and capital distan- development of behavioral skills, and the retention of new talent social group. The 2022 outcomes were highli- ce facilitation skills that make a for the company. In addition to their everyday challenges, they ghted on page 23 of this report. difference in the development of were also responsible for creating a project that contributed people and Embraer’s results. In to their respective areas, from process improvements to the order to recognize, develop, and creation of something new, either a service or product. In further improve Embraer’s internal addition to the project module, in 2022 the company’s Culture instructors, the company is deve- Pillars, Soft Skills topics and more knowledge about Embraer’s EMBRAER SOCIAL TECH CAREERS loping an exclusive academy for Business Units were addressed. The 2022 outcomes were this audience, which will be global. highlighted on page 108 of this report. The 2022 outcomes were highlighted on page 25 of the 2022 Annual Report. 106

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