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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S WELL-BEING WITHOUT SMOKING WELL-BEING WITH THE FAMILY To support collaborators and their direct dependents who no longer want to smoke, Designed to assist collaborators who are ex- the company offers a therapy that helps smokers quit this practice, combining me- pecting a child, the company has assembled dication (nicotine replacement to minimize the physical symptoms of abstinence), two special courses for this moment, namely: and psychological support (to strengthen the emotional structure, encourage the The course for pregnant women, held every change of habit, and behaviors associated with smoking). All therapy and medica- six months online for both the collaborator tion are 100% paid by the company. who will be a father and the collaborator who will be a mother, and the course on paternity WELL-BEING WITHOUT DRUGS leave, exclusively for collaborators who will be parents. A group of quali昀椀ed professionals, with the support of specialized institu- Embraer grants maternity leave of 180 days tions working for the prevention and recovery of chemical dependence, is and paternity leave of 20 days. In addition, responsible for the therapy, which can be: the company also offers daycare allowance Outpatient: with individual therapy with specialists and participation in a to collaborators during the 昀椀rst 18 months af- weekly meeting in the exclusive Support Group for Embraer; ter returning from maternity leave. Hospitalization: depending on the disease stage, and if there is a need for hospitalization, there are specialized clinics and the hospitalization period can range between 30 and 45 days; Treatment for direct dependents: In general, the family of the addict needs support to be able to cope better with the disease, so family members are also offered treatment through a support group and individual therapy. The Program bears 100% of the expenses for the 昀椀rst hospitalization and outpatient treatment. 94

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