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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESESGG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS GRI 413 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY For more than 20 years the Em- dents in Science & Technology, in braer Institute has supported addition to fostering social inclu- education in Brazil to build a fairer sion through a healthy competi- and more inclusive country, main- tion that generates knowledge. taining two full-time high schools In addition, the schools achieved for students from public schools a remarkable result of students and low-income households in approved in the entrance exam, São José dos Campos and Botu- with 75% of approval in public or catu, in the State of São Paulo. private universities with scholar- To them, a contingent of paying ship. students (20% of the total student body) is added, reaching a total of Another major initiative of the 800 students in 2022. Embraer Institute revolves around The resumption of face-to-face the response to climate emergen- school classes was one of the cies. The Institute joined the cam- high points of the year 2022. With paign to donate necessity goods, this, new programs were laun- integrating into the hall of organi- ched, such as the 1st edition of zations that sent aid for the 昀氀oods the Embraer Institute of Science that struck the state of Pernam- and Technology Olympiad, targe- buco in 2022, serving more than ted at furthering the interest of 1,000 people of the area’s vulne- elementary and high school stu- rable population. 2929

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