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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESESGG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS GRI 413 VOLUNTEER PROGRAM The Asas do Bem volunteer program mo- DIVERSE SCIENCE bilized collaborators, who presented the The Embraer Institute held factories of São José dos Campos, Bo- the second edition of Ciência tucatu, Eugênio de Melo, and Sorocaba Diversa, a program to encou- to students, contributing to the dissemi- rage the formation of groups nation of aeronautical culture in the re- underrepresented in Science gions where Embraer conducts business. & Technology. In 2022, the In 2022, 440 students visited the com- topic addressed was “Black pany’s production units. People in Science,” with a focus on non-pro昀椀t Civil So- Since the start of operations in 2001: ciety Organizations (CSOs) that develop projects for bla- + ck and mixed-race people. 8 THOUSAND PEOPLE The social action invested IMPACTED BY THE ACTIONS OF BRL 380,000 in two institu- ENGAGEMENT WITH SOCIETY tions that perform activities + aimed to encourage training 4 THOUSAND STUDENTS in STEM areas (Science, Te- GRADUATED FROM EMBRAER SCHOOLS chnology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and that have of a minimum of 60% of black 75% STUDENTS people and aged between 6 APPROVED AT TOP UNIVERSITIES and 24 years among the be- ne昀椀ciaries. The organizations Learn more: chosen will perform the pro- Sustainability Indicators jects in 2023. 3030

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 30 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 29 Page 31
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