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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESESGG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS WORKER SAFETY AND HEALTH GRI 403; 3-3 SAFE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM At Embraer, safety always comes 昀椀rst, A new Integrated and Cooperative Sys- Present at Embraer since 2018, the program aims to address whether in the products offered or in tem, which includes Global, Regional, occupational safety with preventive data that can be contri- the operations carried out. The com- and Local Management, was created in buted by anyone, whether collaborators, contractors or visi- pany has a set of prevention practices 2022, aiming at synergies so that all data tors. The insertion of information happens via cell phone or to protect collaborators from occupatio- and information is treated more actively computer through QR Codes spread throughout the company. nal risks and accidents, providing a safe and objectively, integrating the work of all Any and all unsafe situations spotted by any person should be and healthy work environment, with the units of the company around the world. reported through the program, for latter handling and resolu- best conditions for everyone to perform Seeking to increase the well-being of tion in the shortest possible time. their tasks. the team that operates in the company’s In this manner, the company maintains a tracked database Occupational safety indicators are as- operations, Embraer invested in innova- with all reported situations and their resolutions, thus being sessed monthly under the supervision of tion and purchased its 昀椀rst exoskeletons, able to act in the prevention of accidents and incidents, the company’s leaders, both in organiza- robotic equipment that help the human making the environment always safe. tional visibility meetings with the boards body to develop certain tasks, in addition In 2022, the process of unifying platforms of this program be- and in Board of Directors’ meetings. to assisting in human joints. Dressing the gan, making it even more agile and robust. equipment brings support to movements and reduces the need for human stren- gth, collaborating with the team’s safety WELL-BEING PROGRAM GRI 403 and ergonomics. *Environment, Health and Safety. The Well-Being Program contributes to a better quality of life for active collaborators, direct dependents, and interns. In order to reduce health risk factors, the program encou- rages the practice of bene昀椀cial habits and provides facili- tating means in order to introduce a healthier lifestyle into Learn more: daily life. In 2022, twenty-seven thousand people were im- Sustainability Indicators pacted by the vaccine bene昀椀t, including collaborators and their dependents. 28

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 28 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 27 Page 29
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