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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S PRODUCT QUALITY AIN Embraer manages its performance ba- dedicated Quality Weeks in the pro- ST sed on the SQDC indicators, acronym duction plants, visual communication Position in English for “Safety, Quality, Delive- campaigns underlining attitudes and 1 ries, and Cost.” It is no coincidence principles appurtenant to safety and that safety and quality are the 昀椀rst quality, and an online event of Opera- acronyms. The company believes that tional Safety and Quality Week for the Overall Score the focus on safety and quality is cru- entire company. Source AIN Product cial to process excellence and thus The company closely listens to its Suport Survey, Survey 8,03 ensures on-time deliveries, and the Period APR-Jun 2022 customers to understand their needs, best cost for all stakeholders. always seeking to exceed their expec- Quality has a dedicated board that tations. The efforts it invests to con- guarantees a 360-degree view of all tinuously improve its processes and PRO PILOT the company’s processes, from the deliver quality to its customers led production units to corporate, from Embraer to be recognized by them in the development of new products to Executive Aviation, according to a cus- ND the operation of customers, including tomer satisfaction survey published by Position 2 the supplier base. AIN and PRO PILOT magazines. Embraer believes that a deciding fac- tor for excellence in quality is cultu- Overall Score re. To continuously develop and em- Source: Pro Pilot 2022 Corporate phasize the quality culture, several Aircraft Product Support Survey 7,81 initiatives are carried out, such as Survey period: Apr-Jul 2022 biweekly meetings with the teams, 142

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 142 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 141 Page 143