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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S Embraer’s commitment and the gui- with its products. The goal is to improve conferences, participation in external dance of safety efforts to all collabo- product safety by ascertaining contribu- safety events with customers, suppliers, rators are addressed in the company’s ting factors and setting recommenda- authorities, and other aircraft manu- Safety Policy. This policy is approved tions to prevent future events. facturers to exchange safety data and by Embraer’s CEO and all Senior Vice Safety is a pivotal part of the culture, lessons learned. Furthermore, periodic Presidents and is available to all colla- which is furthered through several ini- internal safety culture surveys are con- borators. The policy is stressed through tiatives: internal trainings on product ducted to assess the areas in which ac- training and events to foster the safety safety and safety culture, internal safety tions will be focused to improve safety culture. awareness. Since 2003, internal operational safety committees have been established to address risk management. These com- mittees periodically review all safety reports received from collaborators, customers, suppliers, aeronautical au- thorities, and other audiences that re- (RT-AE-250a.3) late to Embraer. For each of these re- In 2022, there were 11 new Airworthiness Guidelines (DAs) issued by ANAC ports, the associated risk is assessed (National Civil Aviation Agency) and 2 DA’s (from 2011 and 2021) that were according to the aeronautical industry reviewed by ANAC, which may or may not be adopted by foreign authorities standards and Embraer standards, vali- (FAA, EASA, CAAC-China, TCCA-Canada, CASA-Australia etc.). No Emergency dating the proposed efforts and mana- Airworthiness Guidelines have been issued and none of these have been asso- ging them until completion. ciated with ground events or plane crashes. All DA’s are publicly available and In addition to the risk management the latest information can be found on the appropriate regulatory websites. described above, Embraer allocates experts to support authorities in all in- vestigations of accidents and incidents 141

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 141 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 140 Page 142