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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S EMBRAER EMBRAER EXCELLENCE QUALITY SYSTEM MANAGEMENT Released in 2007, the Embraer losophy comprehensively throu- SYSTEM Business Excellence Program – ghout the organization – through P3E aims to be, further, and sus- the Excellence MAnnuals, which Embraer Quality Manage- tain cultural transformation by state Lean tenets, methods, and ment System complies with explaining the Lean philosophy, tools according to the processes the requirements of several which means the search for excel- to which they are directed. Among authorities, regulatory bo- lence in its processes, services, the main topics covered are: Lean dies, and certifying bodies, and products. The program ope- principles, 5S (organization), TPM being audited periodically. rates based on the Embraer’s Ex- (reliability of assets and resour- In 2022 there were 40 ex- cellence System, which consists ces), Kaizen (continuous improve- ternal audits between the of 4 elements: understanding of ment), Visual Management, Value units in Brazil and abroad strategy, integrated management, Stream Mapping (VSM), and Shop ensuring the maintenance excellence in processes, and per- Floor Management (SFM). of the company’s certi昀椀ca- sonal protagonism. These, when With a focus on gaining pro- tions (AS9100, NATO AQAP put into practice, further the ge- ductivity and eliminating waste, 2110, COP ANAC, and PC neration of value and the consoli- Embraer Excellence System is FAA). dation of the organizational cultu- responsible for ensuring the im- re with stakeholders. plementation of improvements in More than being based on the 4 a standardized manner. elements, Embraer’s Excellence System disseminates the Lean phi- 143

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 143 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 142 Page 144