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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESESGG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS DIVERSITY & INCLUSION GRI 405; 3-3 Embraer values the history and particularities of people, so it always seeks to build diverse teams, with initiatives aimed at the inclusion of underrepresented groups. Wi- thin the company, it is important that all people are represented, both in the staff and especially in leadership positions, regardless of their characteristics. Social Tech GRI 401; 404; 405 reated in 2021 in partnership with the Institute of Management and Information Technology (IGTI) with a view to fostering the professional quali昀椀cation of minority or underrepresented groups. In its 昀椀rst edition, Social Tech had as participants people with disabilities and, in 2022, the program continued, this time aimed at black people, with more than ten thousand candidates for a thousand vacancies. Throughout the course, which provided two hundred and forty-four hours of study, students learned to work with the Python programming language, which has applications in data science, arti昀椀cial intelligence, and automation, through the bootcamp methodology*. Participants make up the talent pool of Embraer and partner companies in future selection processes. Besides being relevant to the market, Social Tech is a program that integrates the company’s af昀椀rmative actions. *Type of immersive training destined for the development of important skills in several areas. Course with 244 HOURS IN PYTHON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. 2525

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