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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S BOARD OF DIRECTORS PROCESS FOR DETERMINE (GRI 2-20) COMPENSATION The members of the Board of Directors receive a 昀椀xed monthly fee and are offered, optionally, Group Life Insurance and Health Insurance, provided that they assume all the inherent costs. Embraer’s compensation practices and policies There is no variable compensation for this body. It is understood that the exclusive payment of a consider applicable laws and general market 昀椀xed compensation to the members of the Board of Directors is intended to be in line with best practices or by segment, as well as the cou- market practices. ntry and region where the company operates. The de昀椀nition, implementation and/or change of bene昀椀ts go through market analysis, econo- PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (GRI 2-19) mic/ 昀椀nancial feasibility assessments, as well as their impact on the compensation package The performance indicators that are taken established speci昀椀cally in the Plan. of Embraer collaborators. into account to ascertain the short-term In the Short-Term incentive, the amount to variable compensation are (i) annual asses- The Board of Directors annually assesses the sment of the “Action Plan”, an instrument be actually distributed to the executives company’s compensation policy, upon recom- signed with each statutory and non-statu- each year is linked to the respective indi- mendation of the People and ESG Committee, tory of昀椀cer annually containing the results vidual Action Plans and its calculation will which has this topic as a recurring agenda in intended by Embraer for that year and the vary directly with the achievement of the its meetings. efforts planned for each one, so that such results de昀椀ned therein. The content of the results are achieved; and (ii) the result of Action Plan is reviewed annually through the Business Planning cycle and approved ANNUAL TOTAL (GRI 2-21) the company’s overall performance. by the company’s Board of Directors. COMPENSATION RATIO Thus, ICP and ILP compensation vary ac- Therefore, each executive is assessed an- The ratio between the total annual compensa- cording to the company’s economic results nually according to the achievement of tion of the highest paid individual in the organi- and operating result. ICP is impacted by the their speci昀椀c Action Plan and their short- zation and the average total annual compensa- assessments of the individual Action Plans, -term variable compensation is in昀氀uenced tion of all collaborators (excluding the highest ILP is related to the appreciation of the sha- by this result. paid) in 2022 was: 38.3 times, excluding ILP — res in the company and performance goals Long-Term Incentive. 117

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 117 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 116 Page 118