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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S COMPENSATION POLICIES APPLIED TO MEMBERS OF THE HIGHEST GOVERNANCE BODY AND SENIOR EXECUTIVES (GRI 2-19) Embraer currently has a Management STATUTORY BOARD Compensation Policy in force that co- vers all directors and the Executive The total compensation sums are planned an- Bene昀椀ts: Group Life Insurance, Health Insurance, and Compensation Policy, which encompas- nually based on market research with compa- Private Pension in the same way offered to Embraer’s ses all its executives, and its last reviews nies of equivalent size, complexity, and challen- collaborators. were approved by the Board of Directors ges to those of Embraer. Through these surveys, Short-Term Incentives (“ICP”): Board members are on October 26, 2018 and November 11, we seek to de昀椀ne not only the amounts paid, entitled to variable compensation and are eligible to 2021, respectively. but also the proportionality of its components participate in short-term incentive plans as a reward Both aim to attract and retain highly (Fixed and Variable Compensation, Short Term, for achieving goals that support Embraer’s short-term quali昀椀ed professionals who are alig- and Long Term). The company prioritizes the re- strategy. ned with the company’s principles and tention of its executives and aims to maintain values and with the shareholders’ ob- and attract highly quali昀椀ed of昀椀cers and key per- Long-Term Incentives (“ILP”): Board members are eli- jectives. With that in mind, the com- sonnel, aligning their interests with those of its gible to participate in long-term incentive plans, which, pany guides its policies by following up shareholders. In addition, the purpose is to en- through a phantom share mechanism and the Stock the external environment and annually sure that executives who effectively contribute Option Program, reward executives for achieving goals compares compensation practices with to the best performance of the company and its that support the company’s medium and long-term reference markets, composed of compe- securities participate in the result of their con- strategic objectives. ting companies in the segments in whi- tribution. ch it operates, Brazilian multinationals, Fixed Compensation: it is de昀椀ned annually publicly traded companies or those that from the market references. The Board of Direc- Learn more: have a compensation strategy similar to tors adjusts such amounts to the extent it de- Management Compensation Policy that which Embraer practices. ems necessary each year. 116

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 116 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 115 Page 117