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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S SUPPLIER TRAINING As part of a robust regulatory system, Embra- improvement of processes, through training er annually emphasizes with its entire supply to suppliers explaining the Kaizen methodolo- chain the quality requirements to be met, throu- gy. These trainings occur in OJT – On-the-job gh EQRS, which are additional requirements to Training mode, where Embraer guides how to those existing in the AS9100 – Requirements spot and solve problems in practice, carrying for Quality Management of industries in the ae- out Kaizen projects together with suppliers. In rospace industry, which is a mandatory certi昀椀- 2022, 47 projects were carried out in concert cation to become an Embraer supplier. with 34 domestic and international companies. In addition to EQRS, Embraer also makes avai- Complementing the initiatives, there are trai- lable the EPPAP MAnnual – Embraer Produc- ning courses in the form of Webinars. These tion Part Approval Process, containing 17 Qua- trainings have a more speci昀椀c focus, but with a lity tools to be applied during the development greater scope of companies per class. or modi昀椀cation of a product, in order to ensure In 2022, 2 Webinars were held for the domestic preparation for Quality. supply chain, 1 on the Problem Solving metho- Both guidelines are carried out through the dology, and another on the Implementation of Read & Sign modality, and can also occur inte- Poka-Yokes Solutions (fail-safe system). ractively, in person or online. Another important effort is the dissemination of the Lean philosophy and the continuous 147

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 147 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 146 Page 148