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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S SUPPLIER QUALITY MANAGEMENT Suppliers with the tier 1 and 2 de昀椀- fense Contracts) certi昀椀cation for each nitions should have AS9100 certi昀椀- special existing process, maintaining cation, as well as meet the existing this certi昀椀cation through the annual requirements in EQRS – Embraer cycle of NADCAP audits. Quality Requirements for Suppliers. The quality of all products and fe- The maintenance of AS9100 certi- edstock received by Embraer and its 昀椀cation is checked through audits suppliers (tier 1, 2 and 3) is checked carried out by a third party company during the material receipt stage. This and monitored by Embraer. The ser- check occurs through the test reports vice to EQRS is periodically re-e- submitted by the suppliers or manu- valuated by Embraer Quality. facturers of the material in question, Besides, suppliers that produce certifying that the tests necessary for parts according to Embraer’s speci- proof of quality have been carried out 昀椀cation (Build to Print) should have and approved according to technical their processes quali昀椀ed by Embra- speci昀椀cations. In addition, some pro- er’s auditors, as per the requirements ducts and feedstock are re-tested by de昀椀ned in EQRS. If the supplier uses Embraer in its laboratories, pursuant to special processes in its manufac- speci昀椀cations de昀椀ned in the technical turing, regardless of its level in the standards by Product Engineering. supply chain, it should also have the NADCAP (National Program for Accreditation of Aerospace and De- 114646

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 146 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 145 Page 147