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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S ROLE OF THE HIGHEST GOVERNANCE BODY (GRI 2-12) IN OVERSEEING IMPACT MANAGEMENT The Company’s Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws The supervision of the Board of Directors is of the Board of Directors provide that the main powers of performed through the meetings of the body the Board are: that occur ordinarily 8 times a year or extraor- a) to establish the overall guideline of the company’s dinarily whenever necessary in connection with business; the reporting of advisory committees and topi- cs that the board of directors deems relevant, (b) to elect and dismiss the company’s of昀椀cers; in addition to those that are already part of the (c) to supervise the management of the company’s of- recurring agenda of meetings. 昀椀cers; According to Article 7, I, of the Bylaws of the (d) to assess the quarterly results of the company’s ope- Board of Directors, the Board of Directors rations; is responsible for spotting, supervising, and following up the risks to which Embraer is expo- (e) to review the Management Report and the Executive sed, whether 昀椀nancial, legal, 昀椀scal, operational, Board’s accounts, resolving on their submission to the commercial or other. Consequently, to approve Shareholders’ Meeting; Embraer’s Corporate Risk Management Policy (f) to summon the independent auditors to provide any and review it whenever necessary, monitor its clari昀椀cations it deems necessary about the company; implementation, and ensure the existence of a crisis management plan that allows the com- (g) to approve Embraer’s annual and multiannual bu- pany to safely overcome them. dgets, strategic plans, expansion projects, and invest- ment programs, as well as follow up their execution, among others. 130

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 130 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 129 Page 131