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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S VACCINATION BENEFIT HEALTH AND DENTAL HEALTH INSURANCE Vaccines are effective, preventing INSURANCE Embraer offers a Regional and Na- and reducing the spread of disea- Embraer offers four types of dental tional health insurance, with ac- ses. As a way to further the health insurance for all collaborators and commodation in a ward and apart- of its collaborators and direct de- their legal dependents, and the ba- ment, for all collaborators and their pendents, Embraer offers the Vacci- sic insurance (mandatory coverage) legal dependents, with the com- nation Bene昀椀t, where the company is 100% funded by the company, pany’s participation in the monthly participates with 80% of the value of currently there are 31,500 people fees ranging from 70% to 100% of some vaccines that are not offered using the dental insurances bene- the costs. In 2022, 35,000 people by the government, as well as the 昀椀t. were assisted by the plans. annual 昀氀u vaccination campaign. In 2022 circa 27,000 people were be- ne昀椀tted. PHARMACY BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE LABORATORY IN THE UNITS This bene昀椀t consists of Embraer’s The company offers its collabo- Thinking of allowing increased prede昀椀ned 昀椀nancial participation rators and trainees a Group Life convenience in the daily lives of in the purchase of prescription Insurance. collaborators, encouraging them drugs by collaborators and their di- to keep their exams up to date, rect dependents. the company offers, at the São José dos Campos unit, the servi- ces of Laboratório Clínico Sabin. 96

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 96 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 95 Page 97