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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOINNOVVAATIONTION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS INNOVATION CULTURE With the challenge of stimulating the generation of new ideas and solutions, as well as fostering the culture of innovation throughout Embraer, the company opens opportunities for the development of innovative projects and calls for Innovation Strategy programs and actions. INNOVA PROGRAM Created to disseminate culture and foster innovation to every collaborator who is willing to seek innovative solutions. Besides, it stimulates the generation of ideas in the company through Innovation Challenges. • Green Light: • Innovation Day: Entrepreneurship program that assesses innovative pro- Initiative to spread culture and foster innovation, bringing posals presented voluntarily by collaborators. The program a collaborative environment and the opportunity for diffe- provides technical and business guidance, leadership en- rent institutions to discuss future trends at a global level. gagement, time and resources for them to realize ideas until In 2022, in its 6th edition, the event was attended by more their technical and economic viability is proven. than 2,800 people and included the launch of Embraer’s 昀椀rst Hackathon, with the development of integrated so- • Innova Challenge: lutions between processes and applications for ten pain points of each of the vice-presidencies, and collection of Internal crowdsourcing mechanism that stimulates ideas to more than 150 kilos of food with the solidarity ticket. Addi- solve problems globally from different departments of the tionally, participants were asked to wear fun t-shirts or cos- company. Its 10th edition in 2022 was marked by the launch play costumes to attend the event. of the Agro Innovation Challenge, focusing on solutions and technologies earmarked for the agricultural industry. 4343

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