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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOINNOVVAATIONTION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS INNOVATION CULTURE CYCLE OF INNOVATION VERTICALS To optimize Embraer’s investments in innovation, priorities were established through the Innovation Verticals. Annually we carry out the Vertical Cycle through the Innovation Forum, bringing together executives from the various areas of the company to follow up the evolution of these prio- rities and decide on the approach in the coming years. To compose the Vertical cycles, the following information is considered: • Emerging Technologies: • Aerospace Industry Trends: • Business Trends: Map of technologies necessary to meet Consolidating the knowledge genera- It considers business trends inside new and future products. ted in the market intelligence areas of and outside the Aerospace, Defense, the different Business Units. and Venture Capital markets. EMBRAER STARTUP PROGRAM With the purpose of gathering several areas of the company to join The democratization of collaboration with startups is one of the backgrounds and efforts to solving problems, Embraer Startup ways to accelerate innovation at Embraer, recognize internal and Program was implemented as a means to recruit startups within external talents, and boost ef昀椀ciency. up to 5 business days. In November 2022, the 昀椀rst edition of the Marathon was held, a The Program brings the potential of external entrepreneurs to the com- competition between startups to solve previously mapped de- pany for challenges and needs of diverse sorts, ranging from technical mands, including a face-to-face event and interaction among product issues to those more of a process or management character. ecosystem players. 4444

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