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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S ENGINEERING RECEIPT TREATMENT OF NONCONFORMITIES (PRODUCT AND PROCESS) In the aircraft certi昀椀cation process, components To receive the products, Embraer es- should also undergo a speci昀椀c certi昀椀cation cam- tablishes speci昀椀c inspection stan- When identifying suspicious or counterfeit parts, the paign. Equipment is subject to tests and should have dards for each type of material. These material is segregated in quarantine following the same a certi昀椀cate of conformity, as well as the con昀椀gura- standards include physical and docu- process for the treatment of noncompliant products. tion of the laboratory and the procedure used in the mentary characteristics (certi昀椀cate of In the case of identi昀椀cation of nonconformities in the test. All certi昀椀cation artifacts are approved by the conformity, test report) that should ac- processes pertaining to the handling of counterfeit certi昀椀cation authority or its representatives. These ar- company the product, ensuring tracea- parts, corrective actions are carried out to contain the tifacts make up the technical data required to obtain bility to the source of supply. Upon re- recurrence of the problem and ensure de昀椀nitive solu- the aircraft type certi昀椀cate. Each aircraft is produ- ceipt, the identi昀椀cation of the material, tion. Parts for scrap disposal have their disposal strictly ced by a production organization certi昀椀ed according packaging conditions, quantities, do- controlled to avoid misuse in the production process. to the type certi昀椀cate. A new or modi昀椀ed component cumentation delivered, supplier appro- can only be installed on a certi昀椀ed aircraft if it meets ved in the system is checked, that is, all the steps referred to above by following the design the information is checked to ensure modi昀椀cation procedure. As a member of the Mate- that the product delivered meets the rial Review Board (MRB), product engineering is also speci昀椀cations of the purchase order. In responsible for tackling equipment nonconformities, some situations, de昀椀ned in the receipt TRAINING ensuring that they meet applicable requirements. standards, the products or samples are Engineering may still issue inventory re-inspection sent to laboratories for tests that prove Collaborator training is offered by the EmPower system requests for updating, return, testing or visual ins- compliance with the speci昀椀ed techni- on the impact of counterfeit parts on the aeronautics pections. Requesting quality to include equipment cal requirements. When excess parts industry and prevention. The practices carried out by limitation notes that restrict use in 昀氀ight, delivery to are received, parts are scrapped if the Embraer are also implemented in speci昀椀c procedures customer or otherwise, is another option. supplier does not update the documen- in the areas. tation to ensure traceability. 149

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 149 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 148 Page 150