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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESESGG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS CARBON NEUTRALITY Embraer focuses on three main actions to achieve carbon neutrality of its operations by 2040. They are: Energy ef昀椀ciency Use of 100% electricity from Increased use of SAF* on test of its operations renewable sources and demonstration 昀氀ights *Sustainable Aviation Fuel As concerns energy ef昀椀ciency and use of electricity 100% from renewable sources, in 2022 several initiatives were implemented, with special emphasis on: Solar heating installation at the Changes in processes and automation of machines Installation of photovoltaic panels in the Ede unit Gavião Peixoto unit at the Ozires Silva unit The Embraer Equipment Division (EDE), a unit dedicated to the ma- The installation of solar panels at the Gavião Two relevant efforts were implemented at the Ozires nufacture of landing gear in São José dos Campos, São Paulo, recei- Peixoto unit was carried out with a view to Silva unit to reduce electricity consumption: ved the installation of photovoltaic solar panels in one of its adminis- supplying heated water to its restaurant. The trative buildings. This technology is capable of transforming sunlight photothermal solar panel is a highly ef昀椀cient • One of them was dedicated to reviewing the process of into electricity, and estimates are that power thus generated will be and widely used technology in Brazil, capable heat treatment of metal parts manufactured in the com- suf昀椀cient to supply the building, producing around 42 MWh, poten- of converting sunlight, an in昀椀nite and free pany, which occurs in a large air furnace and requires tially avoiding up to ten tons of carbon in the atmosphere per year. source of energy, into heat. Estimates are that large amounts of power, especially when starting the this project will reduce each year approxima- device’s use. At no cost and with a potential reduction Use of biomethane gas in the Gavião Peixoto unit tely 40,000 m3 of natural gas consumption of up to 218 MWh of electricity per year, they represent and avoid the emission of about one hundred around sixteen tons of avoided carbon emissions. In 2022, the company implemented a pilot project to replace tons of carbon (CO2e) into the atmosphere. • And the other consisted in creating a strategy of automa- natural gas (non-renewable source) with biomethane in several tic activation and disconnection of the machining ma- production processes at the Gavião Peixoto unit. Biomethane is a Practices similar to this have already been im- chines. This initiative required a change in the operating renewable source gas, generated in the process of decomposing plemented at the Ozires Silva and Eugênio de logic of the machines and implies a reduction in annual organic matter. Melo units in Brazil, and are strategically linked electricity consumption of up to 145 MWh per year, avoi- Comparative analyses of the performance of equipment and sys- to Embraer’s emission reduction targets. ding the emission of, on average, ten tons of carbon into tems were carried out, with a positive outcome that will serve to the atmosphere. replicate the project in other units and production processes. 18

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 18 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 17 Page 19