RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOINNOVVAATIONTION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS AWARDS HIGHLIGHTS NATIONAL INNOVATION AWARD DESIGN SYSTEM PLATFORM [DS] The Brazil’s largest innovation award, conducted to en- Development of a standard library of design, ob- courage and recognize the efforts of institutions opera- jects, colors, text sources, and active components ting in Brazil: 1st place in the product innovation category that allow software development teams to create with the case of Eve Urban Air Mobility. prototypes and solutions with signi昀椀cant time and cost savings, while keeping designs standardized AWARD VALOR INOVAÇÃO BRASIL 2022 with the brand’s visual identity. In its 8th edition, Embraer ranked as the third most in- novative company in Brazil and the 昀椀rst in the Capital INCEPTION OF THE INNOVATION LAB Goods Sector. Place that allows fast execution of tests and proto- BRAZIL 5.0 DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION types, which has methodologies and tools supported AWARD 2022 by the Product Design concept. National highlight with the pro- EMBRAER INNOVATION ject “Leveraging Digital Transfor- ECOSYSTEM PORTAL mation in Products and Talents” organized by Manifesto & Prêmio Launched in 2022, the portal furthers governance, 2022, which furthers the develo- programs, events, content, pages, and news pertaining pment of projects for Innovation to innovation at Embraer, maximizing the company’s and Digital Transformation of Pro- global innovation potential through integration and cesses and Business Models. greater visibility of structuring actions. 38

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 38 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 37 Page 39