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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOINNOVVAATIONTION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS INNOVATION The Innovation Verticals are Innovation priorities under study by Embraer. In 2022, the highlight is the advance in the Business Verticals agenda of Zero Emission and Autonomous Flight Verticals, especially the direct investment in XMobots by Embraer Ventures. In addition, in 2022 two new Verticals were approved for Incubation: Cybersecurity and Passenger Experience. VERTICAL ZERO EMISSION Embraer and Collins Aerospace are collaborating on the development and testing of an innovative electrothermal heating technology based on carbon nanotubes (CNT) for ice protection systems. This electrothermal CNT technology is more energy-ef昀椀cient, lighter, and uses greener manufacturing processes than current systems, and the company believes it will become the future standard for ice protection – including in more electric aircraft designs. The new solution was successfully installed in the vertical stabilizer of a prototype Phenom 300E*. Collins’ CNT heater and anti-icing system underwent about ten hours of ground testing and “dry air” 昀氀ight. In 2022, the project reached an important milestone by starting a 昀氀ight test campaign at the Gavião Peixoto unit, São Paulo. 3939

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