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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S DISCUSSION OF PROCESSES FOR TO INCIDENTS OF DISCRIMINATION AND MANAGE BUSINESS ETHICS RISKS CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TAKEN THROUGHOUT THE VALUE CHAIN (GRI 406-1) (RT-AE-510a.3) The company had a case of discrimination received through Embraer’s whistleblowing channel (Helpline), which was quickly ascertained as actually Embraer has established a sin- The process is conducted and grounded in 2022, with appropriate measures applied immediately. gle due diligence process for supervised independently by the third parties with which it main- Compliance Department, which tains any type of business rela- may request additional information tionship, including customers, about the third party. External con- COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS suppliers, business partners, sultants may be engaged for tho- (GRI 2-27) and government entities. rough assessment in more sensi- The level of scrutiny of the pro- tive situations and/or geographies In the period covered by this report, no 昀椀ne or pecuniary penalty was applied cess is established depending with limited access to information. to Embraer for signi昀椀cant cases of noncompliance with laws and regulations. on the degree of risk that the The actual engagement and/or bu- third party represents (risk-ba- siness establishment will be a con- sed approach), and takes into sequence of the 昀椀nal assessment account several factors, such as issued by the Compliance Depart- COUNTRIES AT HIGH RISK OF CORRUPTION exposure to public bodies, Em- ment. Lastly, Anti-Corruption Com- (RT-AE-510a.2) braer’s powers of representa- pliance clauses are included in tion, countries in which it opera- Embraer’s contracts. Revenue from countries rated “E” and “F” according to the Band of Transparency tes, payment structure, the type International’s Government Defense Anti-Corruption Index in 2022 was of activity to be conducted, exis- approximately USD 534,685 million and about USD 85,187, respectively. tence of adverse media, existing legal proceedings, among others. 136

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 136 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 135 Page 137