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ABOUT BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER UNIT INDICATORS FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Workforce Composition by Age Group (GRI 405-1) Women in Leadership (GRI 405-1) Unit 2020 2021 2022 Women in leadership (%) 2020 2021 2022 Under 30 years old % 18 15 19 30-50 years old % 70 74 69 Women’s participation in total workforce 18 18 19 Over 50 years old % 12 11 12 Women’s participation in all management positions, including junior, medium and high 15 13 16 Women’s participation in junior management positions, i.e. 16 15 17 Ethnicity and Other Minorities (GRI 405-1) 昀椀rst level of management Workforce composition - Ethnicities and other 2020 2021 2022 Women’s participation in high management positions i.e. no minorities (%) more than two levels apart from CEO or comparable positions 11 13 15 Asian 2 2 2 Women’s participation in managerial positions in revenue- 17 8 0 Black or African American 12 13 13 generating functions (e.g. sales) White 86 85 71 Women’s participation in positions related to STEM (Science, 19 17 17 Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Indigenous - - 0,05 Not informed - - 14 Restatements of information (GRI 2-4): (i) In the previous Annual Sustainability Report (accounting year 2021), it was reported that the total participation of women in management positions in reve- People with disabilities 4 5 5 nue-generating positions was 30% in 2021, but this number accounted for all women, regardless of whether they hold management positions. From this report, only women in management positions (junior to senior) will be accounted for. (ii) Embraer accounts for positions that have the word sales, Note: For people with disabilities, data was considered only from units in Brazil. and intends to improve this parameter in the future to encompass other revenue-generating roles. 114

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 114 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 113 Page 115