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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S 3.3.1. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (GRI 3-3) As a publicly traded corporation, Em- borators and business partners to Governance (IBGC) and the Brazilian braer adopts corporate governance always act in keeping with all applica- Association of Publicly-Held Compa- processes and policies that meet the ble laws and regulations and internal nies (Abrasca). regulations of the markets in which it company guidelines. Lastly, the Anticorruption Policy is trades its shares (NYSE, in the United Embraer, in order to meet the highest also a reference document of the States, and B3, in Brazil) and value levels of Corporate Governance, has company, for establishing guidelines transparency, integrity, and balance in the policies recommended by the to ensure, in addition to compliance strategic decisions. “Code of Best Governance Practices,” with laws, the appropriate manage- Listed in Novo Mercado, the most de- such as: Extra Audit Service Procure- ment of business relationships and manding segment of the Brazilian sto- ment Policy, Risk Management Policy, the prevention of con昀氀icts of interest, ck exchange, the company has a capi- Negotiation and Disclosure Policy, as well as principles for donations tal model without a controlling group Board of Directors’ Appointment and and sponsorships, for offering and re- or controlling shareholder. Embraer’s Training Policy, Related Parties Policy, ceiving gifts and entertainment, and policies maintain the standards of Compensation Policy, among others, contracting or conducting business behavior expected and mainly re昀氀ected and these policies are published on with third parties. in the Code of Ethics and Conduct. All the Embraer Investor Relations web- policies and procedures require colla- site, aiming to ensure transparency about the company’s information. Learn more: The company is also associated with Corporate Governance Model relevant governance forums, such as Embraer Policies the Brazilian Institute of Corporate 126

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 126 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 125 Page 127