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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUBUSINESINESSSS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNITUNIT INDICATORS Atech, company that specializes in de- In 2022, Eve Air Mobility was also awar- veloping solutions for critical missions ded Phase 1 of the Urban Air Traf昀椀c In 2022, Visiona took important steps to ce- and technologies to support decision- Management (UATM) system concept. ment its status as a space systems integra- -making, has been working on major Atech is a strategic partner of EVE, and tor in Brazil. programs of the Brazilian Armed Forces. aims to apply its expertise in develo- Tamandaré-class Frigate Program: in ping, deploying and supporting air tra- It was declared the winner of a Public Notice 2022, the infrastructure of CMS (Combat f昀椀c 昀氀ow control and management sys- of Subsidy to Technological Innovation, con- Management System) and IPMS (Integra- tems for the future of urban air mobility. ducted by FINEP (Financier of Studies and ted Platform Management System) inte- Accomplishing the main milestones of Projects) for the development of a new high- gration test laboratories was completed. the year, Atech and the Municipality of -resolution satellite – in the tender, Visiona São José dos Campos signed a partner- led a consortium of thirteen companies and LABGENE Program (Laboratory for the ship focused on the management and ICTs in the space industry in Brazil. Generation of Nucleoelectric Energy) monitoring of intelligence and security Additionally, the company completed the of the Navy: Atech develops the monito- operations – CSI. assembly of the VCUB satellite, and advan- ring, control, and protection systems of ced its 昀椀nal tests, expected to be launched the laboratory, as well as the integration The agreement will result in increased by SpaceX in the 昀椀rst half of 2023. of instrumentation systems and auxiliary situational awareness of security, ena- systems: the year marked the issuance bling strategic decision-making and In the application business, the highlight of the of the 昀椀eld installation documentation, greater risk control, in addition to opti- year was the signing of the contract with BBSeg which begins the performance schedu- mizing operational costs. for the supply of a system for the provision of led for 2023. parametric agricultural insurance, expanding its participation in the agricultural industry. 59

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