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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABABOUOUTT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBREMBRAERAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS ONE OF THE Embraer is one of the world’s largest aerospace and defense conglomerates. On average, every 10 seconds an aircraft ma- NET REVENUE LEADERS nufactured by the company takes off from an airport, annually in the aerospace carrying more than 145 million passengers around the world. US$ 4,5 and defense Leader in the segments in which it operates in the Commercial BILLION industry Aviation, Executive Aviation, Defense & Security, Services & Support markets and with more than 8,000 aircraft manufac- GRI 2-1; 2-6 tured and delivered throughout its history, Embraer has been Embraer is the main ex- an exponent of innovation since its inception in 1969, and has porter of high value-added in this strength its critical pillar for sustainable growth. There- goods in Brazil, with in- fore, the company fosters an ecosystem of knowledge genera- dustrial operations, of昀椀- tion and dissemination that stimulates the quality training of ces, service centers, and its collaborators, increases the competitiveness of the aero- parts distribution in the nautical industry, furthers scienti昀椀c development, and positi- Americas, Africa, Asia, and vely impacts the society as a whole. Europe. At the end of 2022, Embraer’s workforce was made up of 18,872 Of total net revenue, Com- collaborators, of which 14,960 in Brazil and 3,912 abroad. The mercial Aviation accounted reported total includes OGMA employees. for 34%, Executive Aviation 27%, Defense & Security 10%, Services & Support 28%, and 1% of other rela- 145 MILLION ted businesses. At the end of the year, the PASSENGERS portfolio of 昀椀rm orders to be delivered reached USD ARE CARRIED ANNUALLY AROUND 17.5 billion. THE PLANET ON OUR AIRCRAFT 7

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 7 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 6 Page 8