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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESESGG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS Embraer maintains its sustainability strategy and planning, announced at the end of 2021, with long-term ESG goals. Focused on decarbonizing aviation through the development of more sustainable products, services, and technologies, as well as strengthening its historical performance E / Environmental in social responsibility, the company advanced and, in 2022, its goals evolved and achieved concrete results on several fronts. S / Social G / Governance GRI 2-22; 3-3; RT-AE-410a.2 Carbon neutral Maintain Maintain Commitment to Provide professional 100% Carbon Products for growth from the Ethics & the highest 50% diversity in quali昀椀cation in electricity neutrality in zero-carbon 2022 Compliance international hiring across all technology for from operations aviation Program, fully standards of gateway programs 1,500 people from renewable until 2040 by 2050 aligned with global governance by 2025 minority groups by sources by standards 2025 through the 2030 Social Tech Program 2022 2025 2030 2040 2050 Continuous training in Maintain the approval of Maintain high product Have 25% of women Have 20% of fety standards Diversity & Inclusion more than 80% of Embraer sa in Embraer’s women in senior Learn more: high school students in and full alignment Master’s Program leadership Sustainability public or private universities with international in Aeronautical positions by 2025 Indicators with a full scholarship requirements Engineering by 2025 16

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 16 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 15 Page 17