RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOINNOVVAATIONTION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS PARTNERSHIPS FOR R&D & INNOVATION CPQD CAMPINAS & EMBRAPII The partnership with CPQD Campinas (Telecommunications Research and Development Center) and EMBRAPII (Brazilian Industrial Resear- WIDERØE E ROLLS-ROYCE ch and Innovation Company) for the research on high-voltage batteries Embraer, Widerøe, and Rolls-Royce have announced plans to stu- applied to aeronautics. The purpose is to allow that Embraer further dy a zero-emission concept regional aircraft. The twelve-month develops batteries applied to the aeronautical production system. cooperative study – in the context of pre-competitive research & development – will address the demands of passengers to stay con- FAPESP nected, in a post-covid-19 world, in a sustainable way, in addition Partnership with FAPESP (São Paulo State Research Foundation) to seeking to accelerate the technological knowledge required for to research recycling and disposal of high-voltage batteries. such transition. New technologies will allow countries to continue to support pas- ITA & FAPESP senger mobility, while reusing most existing infrastructure in a more sustainable fashion. Advances in scienti昀椀c research could Partnership with ITA (Technological Institute of Aeronautics) and make clean, renewable energy a major catalyst of a new era of re- FAPESP (São Paulo State Research Foundations), with a shared in- gional aviation. vestment of BRL 48 million over the next 昀椀ve years in an Enginee- Among other topics, the research will cover a wide array of new pro- ring Research Center (CPE) for the air mobility of the future, based on pulsion technology jobs, to assess various potential solutions – in- three pillars: low carbon aviation, autonomous systems, and advanced cluding all-electric aircraft, hydrogen fuel cell aircraft or hydrogen manufacturing. In 2022, the institutions jointly described the scope of gas turbine-powered aircraft. research and the main activities to accomplish the partnership that proposes innovative technological solutions that will enhance the competitiveness of the global innovation ecosystem. 41