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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOINNOVVAATIONTION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS PARTNERSHIPS FOR R&D & INNOVATION CPQD CAMPINAS & EMBRAPII The partnership with CPQD Campinas (Telecommunications Research and Development Center) and EMBRAPII (Brazilian Industrial Resear- WIDERØE E ROLLS-ROYCE ch and Innovation Company) for the research on high-voltage batteries Embraer, Widerøe, and Rolls-Royce have announced plans to stu- applied to aeronautics. The purpose is to allow that Embraer further dy a zero-emission concept regional aircraft. The twelve-month develops batteries applied to the aeronautical production system. cooperative study – in the context of pre-competitive research & development – will address the demands of passengers to stay con- FAPESP nected, in a post-covid-19 world, in a sustainable way, in addition Partnership with FAPESP (São Paulo State Research Foundation) to seeking to accelerate the technological knowledge required for to research recycling and disposal of high-voltage batteries. such transition. New technologies will allow countries to continue to support pas- ITA & FAPESP senger mobility, while reusing most existing infrastructure in a more sustainable fashion. Advances in scienti昀椀c research could Partnership with ITA (Technological Institute of Aeronautics) and make clean, renewable energy a major catalyst of a new era of re- FAPESP (São Paulo State Research Foundations), with a shared in- gional aviation. vestment of BRL 48 million over the next 昀椀ve years in an Enginee- Among other topics, the research will cover a wide array of new pro- ring Research Center (CPE) for the air mobility of the future, based on pulsion technology jobs, to assess various potential solutions – in- three pillars: low carbon aviation, autonomous systems, and advanced cluding all-electric aircraft, hydrogen fuel cell aircraft or hydrogen manufacturing. In 2022, the institutions jointly described the scope of gas turbine-powered aircraft. research and the main activities to accomplish the partnership that proposes innovative technological solutions that will enhance the competitiveness of the global innovation ecosystem. 41

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 41 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 40 Page 42