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ABOUT BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER UNIT INDICATORS FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Total waste weight, separated by (GRI 306-3,4,5 e RT-AE-150a.1) Percentage of waste recycled (GRI 306-3,4,5 e RT-AE-150a.1) disposal method (t) 2021 2022 Type Disposal method 2021 2022 Total waste generated (t) 15913 17547 Land昀椀ll 1062 1832 % of hazardous waste recycled 7,1 28 Recycling, Recovery and Reuse 6715 7846 % of non-hazardous waste recycled 70 69 Composting 274 332 Data coverage 93% 93% Incineration Or Direct Burning (With Energy 845 1240 Recovery) Waste generation data, by type of disposal, is received, consolidated, and criti- Incineration Or Direct Burning (No Energy cally reviewed monthly by Embraer’s Health, Safety and Environment area. Mo- Recovery 1 0 reover, data is submitted to local leadership and vice presidencies, especially in Non- the context of the assessment of SIGMASS performance. hazardous waste Waste Blend Formulation (For Co-Processing) 510 730 The classi昀椀cation between hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste follows the legal and regulatory framework of the country where the waste is generated. Biological Treatment 230 254 In the scope of recycled waste, the following are considered: waste that undergo- Physical-Chemical Treatment 0 0 es a process of changing its physical, physical-chemical or biological properties, Valorization* 1087 691 with a view to transformation into inputs or new products; reuse of solid waste without its biological, physical or physical-chemical transformation; and reuse Elimination * 2 8 including the transformation of waste into a blend for co-processing purposes. Thus, the disposal categories included in this scope are: (i) recycling, recovery, Total non-hazardous waste generated 10725 12932 and reuse, (ii) composting and (iii) formulation of waste blend for co-processing. * Exclusive methods for Portugal units. 87

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