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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S 3.2.1. HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WELL-BEING (GRI 403-1) (GRI 403-2) Embraer seeks excellence in its occupational The management model applied in the Embraer health and safety performance, a topic consi- Business Excellence Program - P3E uses the con- dered a priority in the company. Hence, it car- cept of SQDC (Safety, Quality, Delivery, and Cost) ries out educational and preventive efforts on aiming at the standardization and optimization of an ongoing basis, in connection with the MASS the company’s operational and cost indicators. (Health, Occupational Safety, and Environment) In addition to the criteria of business excellence, policy, which is global in scope. Embraer has maintained in its largest manufac- All collaborators and partner companies (service turing units, for 19 years, international certi昀椀ca- providers) are covered by the Integrated Mana- tions such as ISO 14001. In 2021, the Brazilian gement System for Health, Occupational Safety, Units successfully achieved ISO 45001 certi昀椀ca- and Environment – SIGMASS. The staff consists tion, ensuring the implementation of all the tools of assistants, nursing technicians, occupational provided for in this requirement. This means that safety technicians, occupational safety engine- more than 88% of Embraer’s operations are cove- ers, coordinators and the Global Head of Health, red by these certi昀椀cations. Safety and Environment. Collaborators and workers who are not employed can report hazards and dangerous situations through the SIGMASS channel. In this channel, Learn more: communication is anonymous and supported by MASS Policy Embraer’s Compliance policy. Compliance Policy 9090

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