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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOINNOVVAATIONTION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS Incubated by Embraer-X, the Beacon is a maintenance nagement software services. This collaboration aims to coordination platform for faster return to operation. In- test a fully integrated solution for managing aeronauti- novative, it is designed to connect and synchronize in- cal maintenance pro昀椀les with a complete Competency dustry, supply chain and aviation service professionals and Compliance check to solve the growing need to 昀椀nd resources in a more agile and ef昀椀cient way to keep air- quali昀椀ed and specialized professionals. craft in operation. This partnership will bring more transparency, security, The platform is primarily focused on providing solutions and trust to the platform, as Beacon wants to empower for unscheduled aircraft maintenance. Through an ea- teams and individuals with tools that can deliver the best sily accessible digital web and mobile application (IOS return to their customers’ operation. and Android), Beacon’s main goal In December 2022, Embraer-X signed a is to connect businesses and pro- contract with Pulse Aviation to use the fessionals in a revolutionary way. Beacon. Headquartered in Florida, Pulse The technology tri最最ers a network is a business aviation company that provi- of accredited suppliers, promp- des maintenance, repairs, and operations. ting real-time collaboration during The company intends to use Beacon to maintenance activities not initia- improve maintenance coordination, sim- ted, accelerating the return to air- plify communication about maintenance craft operation. events for all aircraft models, and increa- In 2022, Beacon formed a working se team collaboration, thereby improving group with ELMS Aviation, a lea- knowledge exchange and streamlining ding provider of Competency Ma- maintenance-related work昀氀ows. 46

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