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SUSTAINABILITY RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY INDICATORS EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICATORS The materiality survey was attended by more than 700 responses, accounting for 昀椀ve stake- holder groups: suppliers, customers, collabora- MATERIALITY tors, investors & shareholders, and civil society. MATRIX The material topics were discussed and vali- dated by the company’s senior leadership, and by the Board of Directors advisory committee’ 5 members in charge of People and ESG matters, Topics prioritized by internal and external stakeholders referred to as CPESG. Topics not prioritized 1 When comparing the list of material topics of this year with that carried out in the previous 4,5 4 3 materiality process, conducted in 2017, the 23 14 13 5 main change is in the inclusion of the topic 12 6 Materiality 2022 16 8 7 2 Support for the development of biofuels (SAF), 15 s 24 22 17 11 1. Product safety and quality which occurred both by prioritizing stakehol- eholder4 18 9 10 ak 29 19 2. GHG emissions in the product use phase ders and by strategically prioritizing Embraer’s t 27 S 20 executive committee. 28 25 21 3. Anti-corruption and bribery practices 26 4. Hazardous waste management (GRI 3-2) 5. Support for the development of biofuels (SAF) 3,5 6. Talent attraction and retention 7. Emission of GHG in manufacturing processes Learn more: 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 Board of Directors’ Advisory Committee Executivos Figure 2: 2022 Materiality Matrix (GRI 3-2) 72

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 72 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 71 Page 73