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ABOUT BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION SUSTAINABILITY EMBRAER UNIT INDICATORS FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 3 (GRI 303-3) Water withdrawal by sources (m ) Water consumption in 2022 was within expectations even in the face of the company’s production increase. The high con- sumption occurring in 2021 was mainly connected to the need Water withdrawal 2020 2021 2022* for maintenance in industrial facilities, which resulted in an unexpected water consumption for the year. Surface water including lakes, rivers, - 0 0 The reduction observed in 2022 of 11% for the consumption of and streams water from a local concessionaire and 67% for rainwater mainly Groundwater 393146 517569 397825 resulted from the exclusion of the Évora unit from the scope. This unit accounted for 16% and 65%, respectively, of water Water withdrawal Rainwater directly collected and stored consumption from local concessionaire and rainwater. by sources by the company - 443 148 The Melbourne unit stands out in terms of water consumption, with 91% of the total water consumed coming from indirect reu- Third-party water 314270 275182 244258 se, that is, from the use of ef昀氀uents from other organizations. The Ozires Silva unit had a 30% reduction in water consump- Ef昀氀uent from other companies 94803 81156 88925 tion in 2022 compared to the previous year. This unit accounts for about 56% of total groundwater consumption. Total water withdrawal 802219 874350 731156 In relation to the OGMA unit, which accounts for 18% of the company’s water consumption, the strategy of outsourcing Data coverage 92% 92% 94% water-consuming processes contributed to a 5% reduction in consumption in 2022 vis-à-vis 2021. * In 2022, the Évora unit ceased to be part of the scope. Note: The consumption of water from local concessionaire, underground source, and rainwater was lower in 2022 mainly owing to the exclusion of Évora from the scope, a unit that is no longer part of the Embraer group. 83

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