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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S CYBER GOVERNANCE AT EMBRAER SUBSTANTIATED COMPLAINTS (GRI 3-3; 418-1) CONCERNING BREACHES OF CUSTOMER Embraer’s Cyber Governance comprises the following members of the PRIVACY AND LOSSES OF CUSTOMER DATA Executive Committee: (GRI - 418-1) In 2022, Embraer had no complaints pertaining to breach of privacy by 1. CEO – Chief Executive Of昀椀cer collaborators and customers, as well as no leaks, thefts, or losses of cus- tomer data. 2. CFO – Chief Financial Of昀椀ce The company has a dedicated structure that manages data privacy issues 3. CISO - Chief Information Security Of昀椀cer throughout the Embraer group, through the composition of a multidisci- plinary team under the supervision of DPO – Data Protection Of昀椀cer. 4. Embraer’s Vice President of Defense & Security 5. Legal & Compliance Vice President / Data Protection Of昀椀cer (DPO) 6. Engineering Vice President 7. TEMPEST (CEO – Cybersecurity Specialist) – Embraer af昀椀liate company The Cyber Committee meets monthly, and CISO has the autonomy to call the committee when necessary. In addition, there are meetings of the Board of Directors and CARE to discuss the Cybersecurity Agenda with updates and decisions on Cyber Risk. 139

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