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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S 1. Technical REFERENCES Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): Data pointed out refer to the period from The full list of material indicators covered in this report is available January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022 This Annual Sustainability Re- in the GRI content index. And it covers 100% of Embraer S.A.’s collaborators. port follows the reporting re- Exceptions regarding the scope of data are duly ferences below: Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB): described in the indicators to which they pertain. (GRI 2-2; 2-3) Embraer’s ESG performance information was supplemented by speci昀椀c indicators from the aerospace industry. The list of indi- Embraer produces its Sustainability cators is available in SASB content index. Reports on an annual basis. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Global The document is available to the public on its Compact Principles: corporate website and the historical series can be accessed on the Investor Relations Embraer’s efforts are aligned with global agendas, which assemble website (GRI 2-3) relevant challenges from society, government, and the aerospace Questions about this report can be sent to the e-mail segment. The main SDGs considered are integrated into the GRI [email protected] (GRI 2-3) content index. This report has not undergone independent auditor Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures assurance (GRI 2-5). (TCFD) Information pertaining to this framework’s recommendations is available in the TCFD content index. 70

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 70 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 69 Page 71