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RELATÓRIO ANUAL / 2022 ABOUT FIT FOR GROWTH & ESG INNOVATION BUSINESS SUSUSSTTAINABILAINABILITITYY EMBRAER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE UNIT INDICINDICAATTORORS S In line with a transitional provision in the Arti- resolving on their submission to the sharehol- guidelines, and policies and on the measurement of cles of Incorporation (biennium 2021/2023), the ders’ meeting, to call the Independent auditors Management and Accounting Information disclosed Board of Directors currently has 13 members, 10 to provide the necessary clari昀椀cations about the to the public and regulatory bodies. of whom are Independent. The Brazilian Govern- company, to approve the annual and multiannual ment, holder of the special class share (Golden budgets, strategic plans, expansion projects and CPESG - People and ESG Committee Share), has appointed a director and an alterna- Investment programs of the company, as well as Advises the Board of Directors with regard to the te and the collaborator shareholders and non- to follow up their execution. election and dismissal of Embraer’s statutory of昀椀cers -shareholders appoint 2 other directors and their Advisory committees consist of at least 3 and at and establishment of their assignments, de昀椀nition of respective alternates. Currently, the company’s most 5 members. The composition and Bylaws of the salary and human resources policy, assessment Board of Directors is made up of 11 men and 2 each committee are available on Embraer’s In- process, advising the Chairman of the Board, Direc- women, with 11 members being Brazilian resi- vestor Relations website. The summary of the as- tors, the Board and its Advisory Committees, among ding in Brazil, and 2 North Americans residing signments of each committee is described below: other duties. The committee discusses and overse- in the United States. Advisors and committee es the company’s ESG strategy, the management of members have relevant professional experien- CESTI - Strategy and Innovation Committee climate-related risks and opportunities, as well as ces in different sectors, with emphasis on the monitoring the main ongoing projects, the company’s aeronautical industry, innovation, and technolo- Advises the Board of Directors in the establish- ESG schedule, challenges, and goals. gy, ESG, and 昀椀nance. ment of the Company’s Strategic Plan and Action The company’s Articles of Incorporation and the Plan, focusing on objectives, macro projects, and Bylaws of the Board of Directors provide that assessments of potential new business opportu- the main powers of the board are: to establish nities and assessments of topics pertaining to In- the overall guideline of the company’s business, novation, digitalization, and technological trends. to elect and dismiss the company’s of昀椀cers, to supervise the management of the company’s of- CARE - Audit, Risks and Ethics Committee Learn more: 昀椀cers, to review the quarterly results of the com- Advises on the Identi昀椀cation and management of Golden Share pany’s operations, to review the Management business risks Inherent to Embraer’s activities, on Report and the accounts of the Executive Board the appropriateness of risk management models, Advisory Committees 128

Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto - Page 128 Example of Other Embraer Assets in Relayto Page 127 Page 129