AIRPORT PLANNING MANUAL 7.5. FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT REQUIREMENTS, U.S. CORPS OF ENGINEERS DESIGN METHOD The flexible pavement curves are based on the procedures set forth in Instruction Report No. S-77-1, “Procedures for Development of CBR Design Curves”, dated June 1977, and modified according to the methods described in FAA Advisory Circular 150/5320-6D, “Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation”, dated July 7, 1995. Instruction Report No. S-77-1 was prepared by the US Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Soils and Pavements Laboratory, Vicksburg, Mississippi. The line showing 10,000 coverages is used to calculate ACN. EFFECTIVITY: ALL Section 7 Page 7-5 Dec08/03 b-apm1346

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